
You will undoubtedly have noticed if you've had a look around our site that the text is peppered with text links highlighted in white. Here are the important ones summarised.

Suzanne Rhatigan
The official site is under construction mean while check out the Rhatigan pages here

12 Bar Club
It's simple really, it's the best small venue in London owned and run by great people who believe in providing a relaxed and magical atmosphere to enjoy live music. A one off.

Org Records
Sean Worrall, the man behind the Organ Fanzine approached us at a gig in The Bull and Gate and offered to put out a record. It was only our second gig and we hadn't recorded as a band so we took him up on his offer and spent five heady days at the Stone Room studio the results of which compose the 'Late Developer' album.

My first time experimenting with recording other artists at the studio. This was Rhatigan co-writer and bass player, John Morrison's debut playing with Hefner, he subsequently joined the band and.....

Explosively quiet, it's all inside this talented handsome drummer and singer/songwriter...

Jack Hayter
Multi instrumentalist songwriter with a voice filled with the salty shingle of his Devon origins and the warmth of his personality...

Michael J Sheehy
Michael has really come into his own with the release of his first solo album since the end of the Dream City Film Club era and his second solo album 'Ill gotten gains' Beggars Banquet, (due for release July 2001) is confirmation of his emergence as the finest male voice in indie land.

The true story of Rhatigan?..

Ruby Sessions
I have been spending a lot of time in my home town Dublin recently and I was delighted to find such a great singer/songwriter night every Tuesday upstairs at Doyles pub College St.. The standard is high and it is well run. All proceeds go to the Simon Community a homeless charity.

Chris t-t
One of the most astute observational singer song writers to emerge from the UK in recent years. At once heart warming and acerbic...

This page will be updated, as and when...